Tales From Bangor

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Had total nightmare setting this up! Already typed this text and attached images then lost my account details (hence the new HTTP address)

Anyway - here are the photees:

This is the fence I spent all day building - actually it was most of a weekend. Dug them thar big post-holes meself ya know. Played with cement and all (sorry Granda - "concrete"!)

And then I did a clever little wood effect with a two-tier divide - effectively separating the space using the natural medium of timber - much aligned to theories discussed in July's "Homes and Gardens"

Ok - the party arena is all set.......did we remember to invite anyone. Eh? Chez? Anyone?

A-HA! There they all are :) See how many familiar faces you can pick out!

Here's an example of the cool stuff my camera can do. This effect sucks all the colour out of an image - except the one colour you choose. Make's for some very atmospheric shots.

Here's another one taken on my actual birthday at mum's. Scary aren't I?

Finally - just to remind you what you are missing...here's a pretty sunset over Ballyholme beach:

Talk to you soon. Take care.




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